Bead Board

Bead Cafe Blog

Archive for the day “May 18, 2010”



Fashion Week Trinidad Tobago theme and colour choice  for this year’s fashion event 2010 is Magenta. Magenta is a fusion of  purple and pink and is a beautiful choice for the season. So if you dare to be bold create your own Magenta look.

Hello Beaders!

Welcome to Bead Cafe, Trinidad and Tobago Blog!

We are happy to start blogging. Our blog will keep you informed about what is happening at the Bead Cafe and share interesting information about beads and DIY projects. Also for you buzzing entrepreneurs check out our tips & tricks for starting and managing your home jewelry business. We will also keep you posted about events. Look out for our customer features where we will showcase some of the talented jewelry designers that shop at the Bead Cafe.

We will be happy to hear from you, so share your comments or email us anytime.

Always remember to express, explore, enjoy and bead!

Bead Cafe

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