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Bead Cafe Blog

Creative Inspiration

Buzz Buzz

Isn’t it exciting when you are in that creative zone. You are energized, smiling, creating, working and enjoying. I love it! I get a sense of fulfilment.  There are three main things that keep me buzzing: Exploring, Innovating and Experiencing.

Explore – Travelling

Short trips abroad are ideal for me, a moment to getaway and experience.  The people, culture, landscape, language, music, colours, style and uniqueness of each destination entice my senses. The Caribbean is my home and I am set to explore as much as I can but sometimes my compass points to other destinations.  Some of the places I have visited are Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, St. Croix, St. Lucia, St. Maarten, Curacao, Canada, Puerto Rico, USA and England.  I hope to someday walk the streets of the Harajuku district in Japan.

Although flying abroad is great, I love family trips to new places in my home country. We have beautiful flora and fauna to enjoy. My camera is always close at hand to capture our exotic beauty. My idea book is always packed just in case something sparks a thought worth jotting down.

It is relaxing and exhilarating to travel home or abroad. I know wherever the winds blow me next there is a wealth of knowledge and experience to gain.

Pinel Island, St. Martin Vacation 2008

Innovate – Craft

My main craft is designing fashion accessories. I love combining findings and beads together to create funky wearable jewelry.  There are so many options but with imagination you could make the ordinary spectacular.  I remember walking into a hardware store and was just looking around and saw some black curtain hooks and that became a funky anklet and chain set. How I stumbled across this skill is another story.  I also love decorating and I am a big DIYer, I guess it is the creative adventurer in me.

Earrings and handband made from iron curtain hooks found in the local hardware store

Experience – Events

I am an event junky. I would go to any type of event; corporate functions, parties, charity events, fashion shows, art displays and concerts. I observe the trends, critique, look for ideas and of course enjoy.  All these inspirations inspire the next event or project I coordinate. My taste in events is as diverse as my taste in food and music. I believe variety is the spice of life.

Continue to spark your creativity and Keep buzzing!


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